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Thanksgiving Leftovers Panini

MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
by MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
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Thanksgiving Leftovers Panini

Built on sprouted-grain bread and cooked in a waffle iron, these Thanksgiving Leftovers Panini melts are a great way to use leftovers from your holiday meal. Sprouted-grain bread is lower in carbohydrates, so it won’t spike your blood sugar as white bread would, plus it adds protein. The addition of tasty broccoli sprouts and melty Swiss cheese elevate the turkey sandwich to the next level.

Note: Read the labels when purchasing cranberry sauce; some are loaded with added sugar. Whole cranberry sauce (as opposed to jellied) tends to be lower in sugar and includes the fruit’s natural fiber. Or just make your own cranberry relish.

Broccoli sprouts are incredibly concentrated in sulforaphane, which is a powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.

Thanksgiving Leftovers Panini

Active time: 5 minutes | Total time: 30 minutes


  • 8 slices sprouted whole-grain bread (like Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Bread)
  • 1/2 cup (140g) whole cranberry sauce (such as 365 Whole Foods Organic)
  • 1 pound (454g) thinly sliced roasted turkey breast, skin discarded
  • 1 cup (42g) broccoli sprouts, loosely packed
  • 4 slices (84g) 2% Swiss cheese


Preheat a waffle iron and coat with cooking spray. Spread the cranberry sauce on 4 slices of bread. Top with half of the turkey, then the sprouts, and then the other half of the turkey. Top with the cheese and remaining slices of bread.

Cook the sandwiches in the waffle iron, in batches if necessary, until the bread is golden brown and the cheese has melted, 5 minutes. Serve warm.

Serves: 4 | Serving Size: 1 sandwich

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 463; Total Fat: 15g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 82mg; Sodium: 940mg; Carbohydrate: 32g; Dietary Fiber: 7g; Sugar: 11g; Protein: 38g

Originally published November 2020, updated November 2023

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MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
MyFitnessPal’s Recipes

Healthy, delicious and simple: That’s what we’re about at MyFitnessPal! We make our recipes in our own test kitchen or our registered dietitian hand-selects them personally. Look for nutrition information at the bottom of the recipe or log it directly to MyFitnessPal through the “Log-It” button. Check out our entire collection or explore: low-carb, high-protein • high-fiber • gluten-free • dairy-free • vegetarian • vegan • low sodium


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