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20 Easy Single-Serving Meals

MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
by MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
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20 Easy Single-Serving Meals

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight or improve your eating habits, cooking gives you the ultimate control over what you consume. You’ll cut down on empty calories, added sugar and harmful fats while saving money. One of the caveats with cooking at home is it takes time, which is why we’ve got your back with these 20 easy meals.

They’re made for beginning cooks and feature fresh, minimal ingredients. Some of them are also ideal for batch cooking or freezing and enjoying later. Here’s to reaching your health goals, one meal at a time.

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About the Author

MyFitnessPal’s Recipes
MyFitnessPal’s Recipes

Healthy, delicious and simple: That’s what we’re about at MyFitnessPal! We make our recipes in our own test kitchen or our registered dietitian hand-selects them personally. Look for nutrition information at the bottom of the recipe or log it directly to MyFitnessPal through the “Log-It” button. Check out our entire collection or explore: low-carb, high-protein • high-fiber • gluten-free • dairy-free • vegetarian • vegan • low sodium


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