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Open-Faced Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich

Avocados from Mexico
by Avocados from Mexico
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Open-Faced Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich

Did you know avocados are cholesterol free and a source of good fats? Mash up these buttery babies and use them like mayo in your egg salad for a smooth texture and delightful green color. For an easy brown bag lunch, pair your egg salad with whole-wheat bread and tomatoes.

Love avocados? Take the AvoLifestyle™ Challenge to earn a prize. Learn more and sign-up for the challenge.

Open-Faced Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich


  • 1 medium (200 grams) avocado, coarsely chopped
  • 3 large (50 grams, each) hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup (5 grams) packed baby arugula or kale
  • 2 large slices (45 grams) heirloom tomato
  • 2 slices (65 grams) low calorie whole wheat bread, toasted


Mash avocado slightly in a large bowl. Stir in lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Stir in chopped eggs.

Place 1 tomato slice on each piece of toast. Arrange 2 tablespoons arugula on each and top evenly with avocado mixture.

Nutrition Information

Serves: 2 |  Serving Size: 1 open-faced avocado egg salad sandwich

Per serving: Calories: 354; Total Fat: 24g; Saturated Fat: 5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 13g; Cholesterol: 280mg; Sodium: 397mg; Carbohydrate: 24g; Dietary Fiber: 9g; Sugar: 8g; Protein: 14g

Nutrition Bonus: Potassium: 672mg; Iron: 14%; Vitamin A: 12%; Vitamin C: 21%; Calcium: 8%

Sponsored by the Avocados from Mexico.

About the Author

Avocados from Mexico
Avocados from Mexico

Avocados from Mexico is the top-selling avocado in the United States, with 78% market share. We sell an impressive 1.5 billion pounds of avocados per year to avocado-lovers like you! Our new initiative, AvoLifestyle, is a first for the category created to inspire consumers through a newly launched platform that goes beyond nutritious eating. The platform lives in Avocados from Mexico’s website along with hundreds of nutritious avocado recipes. Check us out on our websiteFacebook and Instagram.


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