Sweet potatoes are a great source of healthy carbohydrates and low on the...
Active time: 25 Minutes Total time: 25 Minutes Tofu is an inexpensive,...
Who says you can't have pizza for breakfast? Love & Zest says you...
Wraps are a delicious way to hold a complete, balanced meal in the palm of...
Whether you’re in the mood for brunch or breakfast-for-dinner, this...
Enjoy this easy, breezy mango-pineapple yogurt bowl for a tropical...
This savory-sweet kale salad is just as appropriate for breakfast as it is...
Freekeh is a form of green wheat that has been pre-roasted and par-cooked,...
Cook up these cute asparagus & mushroom frittatas, courtesy of Fit...
Munch on breakfast cookies loaded with real apple, honey and...
Wanna take your oatmeal on the go? Check out this recipe for baked...
All year, MyFitnessPal users have worked toward their weight-loss goals by...
Inspired by Mexican chocolate, these overnight oats have a slight...
Make a batch of these mini frittatas on Sunday night for an entire...
Save yourself time in the morning by making breakfast with a slow cooker....
Holidays are a time of celebration. The post-holidays aftermath when you...
Active time: 15 minutes Total time: 40 minutes These zucchini fritters...
This egg casserole recipe from The Honour System layers fluffy eggs with...
Keys, bag, phone? Check! Breakfast? If you answered "not so much,"...
At home, yogurt, granola and fruit is a pretty pedestrian breakfast. But...
This vegan smoothie by 24 Carrot Life combines fresh (or frozen) cherries...
Make an indulgent brunch using this Clean Eating recipe for eggs Benedict...
All hail the freezer! Let’s face it — while we’d all love to...
Celebrate apple-picking season with this healthy spin on the iconic apple...